sábado, 26 de enero de 2019


Conversation with Pilar Aldana-Méndez

                                      Photo Pilar Aldana-Méndez - Winter Solstice 2018

A special look at the Temple of the Holy Family

We will talk about the architectural details of the temple that impact and excite the visitor
thanks to the impeccable treatment of light, color and geometry,

It includes the symbolic and technical analysis of the stained glass windows,
the study of Gaudi's geometry, the history of the construction,
appreciation of the presence of light and color taking special photos, ...

We will see the sculptures in solid glass that I created for the Sacristy Tower,
special work that requires experience in the treatment of light

The content of the conversation is large; I adapt the talk to the interests of the visitors. The duration is 1.30 hours. After our conversation I suggest to visit the Museum, watch the video with the architectural evolution, return to the interior of the temple to appreciate the changes of light and color, observe architectural details of the facades and tour the temple at a greater distance to appreciate it as a whole, see the towers under construction and take a clear idea of how the temple will look once it is finished.

PILAR ALDANA-MENDEZ     paldana9@gmail.com     +34654608508


The Sagrada Familia Temple is a great treasure of cultural heritage of humanity. Its value is due to the condensation of more than one century of research, experience, thoughts and actions initiated by the brilliant architect Antoni Gaudi and followed by the coherent group of architects, industrials, craftsmen and artists who have worked and who still continue to build the temple.

Gaudi established his research laboratory at the Colonia Guell and later in the workshop at the temple, leaving clear ideas for its construction widely shaped in models, drawings and writings. Actually, the working team follows the concepts from the master Gaudi, making them real through new generation technical procedures developed to continue this complex construction. The Sagrada Familia is currently the largest living architecture laboratory in the world.

I started my research for light and color with the study of the presence of glass as a key element to create the warm atmosphere and generate the symbolic effects predicted by Gaudi. The study includes the stained glass windows on the geometrical walls, the lanterns suspended in the ceiling, the sculptures in glass and the Venetian glass mosaics of the pinnacles of the towers. It was important to continue with the study of the different stones and the great variety of materials involved in the construction. To study the concepts of rule geometry used by Gaudi to create the architectural patterns that will flood the interior of the temple with light, to understand his research about color by Tricomy and to know his experiments to measure the vibration of colors. To know the special study of the structure of nature that Gaudi applied in the architectural solutions of the temple to create a unique space. With all these elements, the master was able to raise the symbolic content to create a magnificent temple for all cultures.

All this leads me to look for “Who was Gaudi” who posed a challenge to humanity, the challenge to build this temple of light. I had research into the history of his life and his identity as an architect of the modernism. It’s still a challenge for me to keep learning about the master of proportions, the visionary Gaudi who believes in the development of technology, the young and curious Gaudi who receives the commission of the Sagrada Familia Temple and the mature, obsessive and precise Gaudi who projects the amazing interior of the temple during the last years of his life.

Thanks to the experience in the treatment of light in my sculptural work, I made nine sculptures in solid glass for the top of the Sacristy Tower for the Sagrada Familia Temple, a very special commission from the architects. The project took place between 2014 and 2016. I present at the conference the evolution of the project with the realization in Czech Republic and details of the installation.

The realization of the glass sculptures for the temple opened the doors to the research that nourishes this talk, the conference and the project to produce a special film.  The research has allowed me to discover amazing details with conversations with architects, interviews with artists as Joan Vila-Grau, creator of the stained glass windows of the temple, visits to the industrials, artists and craftsmen, studies at the Gaudi Research Institute, special readings, and very important, the large photographic registration of the presence of light inside the temple that fills the space with different touches of color all year around. This way I continue to shape the script of the film, the conference and the conversations in the temple, with a clear knowledge of Gaudi’s work.


THE MASTER GAUDÍ 1852-1926 – Thoughts, work and simbology.
NATURE - Observation and study of nature.
ARCHITECTURE - Models of ruled geometry applied by Gaudi.
Inside spaces, columns, ceiling, windows and façades.
STONE AND OTHER MATERIALS - Traditional and modern materials.
HISTORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION - In Gaudi's time and the evolution until today.
TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION - How it is built today.

PRESENCE OF GLASS - Gaudi's studies for light and color, Tricomy experiments.
STAINED GLASS WINDOWS – Technique and symbology.
Joan Vila-Grau, artist that creates the stained glass windows.
LANTERNS OF THE CEILING - Glass lanterns in Fusing and Thermoforming
PINACLES WITH VENETIAN GLASS MOSAIC - Venetian Glass, light and color on the outside of the temple.

Observation of the effects according to the time of the day with photographic record

Sculptures in solid glass for the top of the Sacristy Tower – General details

Art and crafts
Art and technology
Art, Nature and Architecture
Glass, Light and Architecture
Gothic vs Hellenism

                                       Photo Pilar Aldana-Méndez - Summer Solstice 2018

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